Prepared by,
 Emrana perveen,

An important and the best important topic of the world is Corona virus

Picture Covid 19

 Stop horror of Corona, Don’t listen to rumors, but by following the rules and Take care own self you can free from CORONA virus.  

Corona is a Group's Covid-19 virus has caused panic around the world. Various cautionary campaigns are being launched by the state and central government to prevent the virus. Even then there are still much confusion about the virus and the disease it produces. There is a lot of confusion as to what activity the virus enters the human body, to some parts of it

However, before you can understand what it is?

The name of discussed world is CORONA. It is necessary to know how the virus enters the body.

According to William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, diseased human cough drops droplets into the air. This droplet enters the body of a healthy human being near the patient through his nose, mouth and eyes. Once the body is exposed, the virus's molecules quickly enter the mucous membrane into the back of the nasal body or into the cells of the throat. The cells then become the receptor cells.

Proteins that rise from the coronavirus body or in the form of a spike tighten the cell lining and help the virus's genetic material enter the healthy human cell. These genetic elements of the virus give the cells a control over the metabolic capacity of the cell to act as a 'wrongdoer'. What does 'misleading' work? Without controlling the cell, he forces the cell to help the virus grow and grow.

Some general questions are available:
Safety is awareness

  1. When the virus reaches the lungs?
  2. When inflammation is created in the mucous membrane of the lungs?
  3. How does breathing problem occur in the body?

Many of our specialist says that when cells are forced to give rise to virus growth and swelling, the increased virus molecules burst and attack other cells around the cell.

 As symptoms are start 
 First, Sore throat and dry cough begin. Then the  virus soon spread to the bronchial tubes. When the  virus reaches the lungs to grow. Secondly inflammation is created in the mucous membrane of the lungs. Thirdly it causes damage to the alveoli and lungs. Finally this makes it very difficult for them to supply oxygen throughout the body and remove carbon dioxide.

Which way the virus spreads to the lungs?

Professor Su-Yuan Jiao, a professor of pathology at the Chicago School of Medicine, examines the repertoire of coronary patients in China. According to him, the virus invades two peripheral regions of the lungs and spreads to the upper airways and trachea.
Recent studies by researchers at Icahn School of Medicine have shown that many Chinese patients underwent CT scans in China. In the CT scan, there is a type of smoky rash in the lungs as the disease progresses. Such an impression is only for different types of viral respiratory infections. As the illness progresses, these opaque areas spread and become thicker.

Is this virus only invading the lungs?

According to researcher Compton Philip, simplifying it would be wrong. The mucus is transmitted to the membrane by the virus. Therefore, it can spread through the nose and mouth to the mucous membrane to reach the anus. Corona-terrorism can run anywhere on the way. The virus also attacks the gastrointestinal system. Then there was the problem of diarrhea or indigestion with fever and cough. The germs can also enter the blood vessels.

Corona virus was also detected in RNA and feces samples of the patient. However, doctors have not yet reached a clear idea whether the infectious virus can hold blood or feces. In addition, the virus can cause inflammation of the organs such as bone marrow and liver. Only the spread of the virus in the body starts to fight against the body's immune system. As a result, fighting against it damages some of the inflammatory regions. As a result, the physical damage is not just due to the virus. Damage is also caused by your own immune system.

Always remember that cleanliness is the main step of  wellness.”Wash hands thoroughly with soap or hand wash”.

What effect does this virus have on the brain?

Experts are not yet sure whether the virus will affect the brain. Earlier, during the SARS, scientists found evidence that the SARS virus could infiltrate some patients' brains. However, because of the similarities between SARS and Covid-19, researchers from the Journal of Medical Virology in a study published last month argued that coronavirus can infect certain nerves. 
Therefore, it is good to be sure about the infection area now and not takes anything for granted.

Some feel very sick in the outbreak of the virus; but some are not even so, why?

Experts says that depending on how strong or weak a person's immunity is, how much of this disease can be imposed on a person's body. Older people or those suffering from diabetes, pneumonia, hypertension and any other chronic illness may be more prone to develop symptoms.

What are the symptoms that may be present in a patient's body when he is infected?

Picture Spreading chart
According to expert physician Sumit Sengupta,
  1. The virus can remain stable for about a week after being inserted into the body.
  2.  That is, one week after entering the body, the sore can be dormant.
  3.  After that, symptoms of fever, cough, or pneumonia suddenly began to appear.
  4.  The symptoms may appear again some days after they are healed. 
  5.  So being healthy is not a fear and it is not right to be caught. 
  6.  Bronchitis also begins with infection of the trachea and trachea with fever and cough. 
  7.  Diseases of the stomach The virus can also attack the gastrointestinal system.

So, the importance of this virus is to book. To avoid this, it is important to wash your hands frequently with a sanitizer containing soap or 3 percent alcohol. It is also important to increase the body's ability to maintain healthy nutrition in the legs and to prevent other diseases in the body by stopping smoking and drinking. The more free the body is, the more the immune system will increase.

Only Awareness and make unity to prevent any kind of Major problem. Only Allah can help us. So lets pray him.

(All information is collected by Daily Corona virus update, Print media, electronic media and google)